Press release -

CONTACT University: India's MIT starts a new PLM era

The Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT) is India's elite forge for computer scientists and engineers. New high-tech projects now rely on CIM Database PLM to strengthen team collaboration.

The MIT in the Indian state of Karnataka is known for its outstanding teaching excellence. CEOs such as Satya Nadela (Microsoft) or Rajeev Suri (Nokia) have started their careers here. Now MIT is deploying CIM Database PLM in its technical degree programs and current projects - supported by the global CONTACT University offering.

Mechatronic Engineering is the first department to use the new collaboration platform. The Mars Rover Manipal and Manipal Formula-1 teams are now preparing for the 2019 international competitions and are developing the next generation of their high-tech vehicles with CIM Database.

MIT has nine further projects in the pipeline in which CONTACT's PLM solution will play a central role. "We are designing prototypes for e-mobility, Mars missions and other innovation topics," says Prof. Dr. Chandrashekhar Bhat, head of the Department of Mechatronic Engineering. "CIM Database now makes it much easier for our teams to collaborate across disciplines and realize their ideas".

CONTACT Software and its partner QSO Technologies from Bangalore ensure that students and their professors stay up to date with CIM Database PLM by offering high-quality consulting and training services.

The Indian MIT, founded in 1957, today belongs to the Manipal Academy of Higher Education. On the modern campus, 27,000 students of different nationalities have the choice between 18 disciplines such as Aeronautical and Automobile Engineering, Information Technology, Electrical & Electronics or Mechatronics Engineering. 

MIT graduates are in demand both in India and internationally, especially in view of the progressive digitalization. More than ever, companies need good junior staff who have advanced professional knowhow.

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Barbara Scholvin
Senior Manager Public Relations & Corporate Communications

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