Press release - May 17, 2021

CONTACT is a new member of the OPC Foundation

From sensor and machine control, across edge computing to the cloud and enterprise IT: CONTACT's IoT platform uses established industry standards to enable end-to-end processes.  Now, the company is expanding its OPC UA adapter so that it can be applied even more flexibly in different customer environments.

CC-Link, MQTT and OPC UA are the de facto standards in factory and process automation that CONTACT Software primarily uses in customer projects. These protocols ensure that machines from various manufacturers communicate with each other and transfer their data quickly and securely to the CONTACT Elements for IoT platform. This enables companies to continuously collect and analyze important operating parameters in production or logistics and use them for process improvements.

"Open standards are the basis for interoperability and thus also for the realization of Industry 4.0 and digital business models," says Kilian Bächle, IoT analyst in product management at CONTACT Software. "That's why we get involved in many initiatives that are committed to openness." As a member of the OPC Foundation, CONTACT now has access to OPC UA specifications and source code. The software provider intends to use this for the further development of its OPC UA adapter.

CONTACT is expanding the connector to make it even easier to network the diverse assets running on the shopfloor or in the field via Elements for IoT.  "Machine fleets differ from company to company," explains Bächle. "Protocols like OPC UA help us to integrate the respective sensors and controllers without much effort and thus quickly implement our customers' digital business models."

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Barbara Scholvin
Senior Manager Public Relations & Corporate Communications