Technical article
Technical article

Faster to virtual commissioning
Many plant manufacturers, their engineering partners and suppliers mark signal connections, functional aspects, or the assignment to a subsystem in different ways. This practice leads to more effort in development and sometimes to serious errors that, in the worst case, only become apparent after commissioning, when all plant components are in use together.
As part of their research on more energy-efficient electric drives, CONTACT and partners have tested a methodology for functional modularization. It also includes a universal labeling systematic in accordance with DIN EN IEC 81346 and provide it for the various engineering disciplines of mechanics, E/E, simulation, and PLC programming in the PLM system.
The new PLM application shortens development cycles and makes the digital validation of complex products much easier, faster, and more reliable. This technical article describes the basic solution concept and its added value for plant engineers and plant operators.
This article was published in German in SPS Magazine 12, November 2022.
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